Sunday, April 5, 2009

Soul Food

Really, It's Spring?

April 4, 2009 ****************** March 21, 2009

The above pictures are of the same place on our drive.

This weekend, we had an absolutely beautiful snowfall
on our Mountain! All the trees, bushes and weeds were
wearing their white ermine coats. Some storms are
violent and powerful but this storm was steady and gentle.
It just softly snowed for 24 hours and really piled up.
We had about 12 inches at our place in the Meadows.
Two weeks ago, I was taking pictures of the first flowers
of spring and this week of snowflakes. Ah, such is the
weather on the Mountain.

Sunday, the sun came out and it was a dazzling land of
glittering snow with blue skies. By the time we left about
6:30 Sunday night, the snow had pretty much melted
off the main roads and everything was suck your boots
right off muddy. I suspect that everything will
dry off quickly and we'll be back on the road to
spring again.

I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures I took.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow it really was snowy!