Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Top of the Day" Asparasgus Soup

Thanks again to my friend Deb Black for this great "green" recipe to share. I love asparagus and treasure those childhood days of following the irrigation ditches with my family looking for those green spears. Way back then, I had eagle eyes and could spot a patch even driving down the road. Mom made a great soup and Deb's recipe is much like it. So forget the cabbage and corn beef this year and try something new, "Top of the Day Asparagus Soup".

Deb said that this is a recipe from her friend back in New York who was a friend to her husband, Gary's Mom when she was growing up there.

About 2 lbs. of fresh, tender asparagus Note: Bend spear and it will break where it is tender/ tuff

Cut off tips and set aside

Cut the remaining spears into 1/2 " pieces

Bring a small pot of water to a boil and add tips only- cook about 5 minutes-set aside

Add the remaining asparagus into the boiling water and cook about 10 minutes

While this is boiling- in a separate pan- melt 1/4 cup of butter, then add 1/4 cup of flour to make a white sauce. Add about 3 cups of the boiling asparagus water. Stir until smooth. Add the 1/2 inch pieces of cooked asparagus to the white sauce and salt and pepper to taste.

Scoop the soup into a bowl and top with your favorite grated cheese, croutons and a few asparagus tips. Serve with you favorite bread, rolls or crackers.

(You can make this into creamed asparagus by not making so much of the white sauce and just top with grated cheese.)

May the wind be always at your back!


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