Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cabin Puff Pancakes

Sunny and Bright

A Breakfast Delight!

Ok, to begin with, I have a confession to make this year. I'm not a great cook! Oh, I'm not terrible but I'm not great. I'm just a cook who likes to try new things and I'll keep working on something until I at least get it edible. Oh, I feel so much better that you know the truth so that I can share things that were good and things that were just downright awful. So, on with today's recipe. We were at our cabin a few weeks ago and I tried a new recipe for puff pancakes. It looks a little funny but really it tasted yummy. I made it for my nephew and nieces this week and we were all like mother hens watching through the window of the oven hoping that our little creation would do its "puff up" thing. Just as I was losing hope that it would, it began to rise. Whew, breakfast was saved and I had some creditably as a cook. So give it a try and invite someone over for breakfast. Food is so much more fun when it is share!

1/2 cup butter
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
6 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt

Melt butter in oven in 9x13 inch pan until bubbling. (watch butter so it doesn't burn-good advice since I burned my first cube) Mix all ingredients together and pour into hot butter. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with jam, syrup, powdered sugar, fresh lemon juice, etc.
This recipe is so fast to make and there just isn't a lot of fuss. It serves 4 to 6 people and is a lot easier than making pancakes. It tastes a lot like crepes.

After Breakfast Visitors!

We all enjoyed watching about 6 turkeys meander their way across our backyard. Breakfast was pretty slim pickins for them with all of the snow. It appeared that they were eating something off of the lower branches of the oaks. Perhaps acorns but I didn't know turkeys ate acorns.

Good day my friends!

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